Netsuite's Cash Refund

Hi All,

Cash refund is the money which is returned to the customer in the form of cash. Cash refund can occur due to a variety of reasons. If a customer has been over-invoiced, the excess amount will be refunded to him. Also, if a product is defective, the company may refund the cash back to the customer for returning the product. The cash refund may be the full amount of the product or a partial amount. In the simplest term, it means return or repayment of cash.

 How to create Cash Refund:
   On Cash Sale with Deposited status, clicking on Refund button will create Cash Refund.
There can be many reasons for cash refund. This work similar way when we shop on . If product is not good, defective or user return for any other reason , cash refund record gets created.

How to create cash refund.
Cash Refund
**** Cash Refunds always post to Refunds Payable Account

Cash refund support all type or scripts. User can customize record as needed.
Case record can also be attached to Cash Refund record.

You can find status for cash refund here

If you have any query, comment below or join our fb group/page.

Netsuite Guru
