Netsuite's Other Name Record

Netsuite's Other name record
Other Name

Hi All,

Netsuite has a special record called Other Name, people usually wonder what is this record and why we
need this record. Other Name record is a record which is not Customer, Vendor or employee. This record
enables receiving payment from these record and enable to pay to these records.

Example: If you are donating to charity or any ngo , you can use this record.You can enter them as Other
Name and you can donate money to them.

To create record , Go to Lists > Relationships > Other Names > New..
Enter all details which you are required. Under financial tab, it is good to update opening balance and
opening balance date if you have any to keep track and for accounting purposes.

*** Other name category values are used on other name records to categorize them

Netsuite Guru
