Tracking User Logins in Netsuite

The Login Audit Trail is a specialized search that helps keep track of account users, when they have logged in, and from where. It is available at Setup > Users/Roles > View Login Audit Trail.

User can also use search on Login Audit Trail, for that Go to Setup > Users/Roles > View Login Audit Trail.

Filters which can be used:
  • User — select one or more users, holding down the CTRL key to select more than one. To search by exclusion, change the dropdown to none of.
  • Role — select one or more roles.
  • Date Range — select a named time period (such as last fiscal year), or enter a start date and end date to define a custom date range.
  • Email Address — enter an email address in the field.
  • IP Address — select search logic in the dropdown, and enter an IP address or part of an IP address.
  • User Agent — select search logic, and enter a value like “Mozilla” to find the client browser used to access your account.
  • Request URI — select search logic, and then enter a URI (or any part of a URI) for a NetSuite page used for login.
    The list below includes examples you might use to find the services used to access your account:
    • /app/center/mobile/
    • /app/reporting/
    • /app/site/hosting/
    • /app/webservices/
    • /internal/admin/
  • Status — select an option: Success, Failure, or Either.
  • Security Challenge — select an option: Success, Failure, or Either.


  1. Q) what if i want to block am user/ employee access on his last day.
    Example: employee resigned on 1 st sf month and his last day is 31st from 1of next month his access has to block or any search , intimation to know his access is removed.

    1. Hi,
      Thanks for asking such a nice question,
      Best way we did in past was :
      1. Create a field (or use existing if any) which store last day.
      2. Write a search on employee where last day is today.
      3. Write workflow and in action uncheck "Give Access" checkbox.
      You can also inactivate the record but usually you required it for many purpose in future also.
      If he is manager of any employee then you might have to add more logic in workflow as per business requirement.

      Hope this will help.

  2. Hi,
    What if we want to display only one date per user and only the latest login will be selected.
    Were done grouping the user and date but it displays multiple dates because each date records is different from each other.
    May I know if there is a way for this?

    1. Hi Ecniv,
      Try using maximum for date, this will return your latest login.
      So it will be like this
      user : Group
      Date : Max

      we just tried and it worked, you can also try on your end and let us know.
      Keep using our blog as well as fb group.
      Netsuite Guru

  3. Is there a way to show latest login by role

  4. Yes use Login Audit Trail saved search and filter by role. If you want to see roles in results, use it under results.


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