How to Run User Events and Client Scripts in Sequence or Change User Events Client Script execution sequence in Netsuite?

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While Development , many times we have requirement to execute some specific script after any particular script. Or We want to defined sequence as we want.

As Standard , Script which gets created first is always first by default, But good point is that we can also manage this.

Go to Customization -> Scripted Record .
Choose Record Type whose script you want to manage. Like for My Example I choose Case Object.
This page will show by default User event tab where all scripts are listed.
Click Edit button and you will see checkbox in from of every script and dropdown for release and testing etc.
Now to manage sequence click on start of row , you will see sign similar to [ ] , drag and drop where you want to keep.

Not only you can manage sequence , you can even deploy or un deploy script or make any script deployed or testing .

Same way you can manage Client Scripts scripts also.

This Scripted record page also helps developer to see how many scripts are on any particular Object/Record.
Example: if you want to see how many scripts are deployed on Sales Order then go to Customization -> Scripted Record -> Sales Order and see how many scripts are there .

Please let me know if you need any help.

