How to send attachment in every email going from Purchase Order to Vendor in Netsuite?

How to use Message Record in Netsuite?

Hi All,
As we all know customization level in Netsuite is great. We can mostly customize every thing. Threre are few limitation also but most of the time we are able to achieve some OUT OF BOX solutions too.
Couple of days ago I came across a problem where Business requirement is to send one file as email attachment every time user click save and email.
As this is netsuite's default functionality and there is no way we can add more attachments there.
Message record!
I know this is not mentioned any where accept saved search and help text.
How it works:
Netsuite create message record when ever some email goes out and Message record is Scriptable record too.
So we can write a script to send attachment by updating message record.

Message record also have body fields as well as line item fields.
You can find link for message record here Click To Open Message Record.

Get mediaitem sublist and add one more line with pdf as attachment .

this will attach one more attachment in the email which is going out.

Let me know if any one of you need code for Message Record.



  1. Hi Abhi

    Thanks for your netsuite posts and topics.
    Can you Please Post Some complex scenarios ,what you have faced in your project and how could you overcome it with solutions.

    it will more helpful to us.

    1. Sure Anonymous ,
      I will try to write something like this,
      meanwhile if you have any query or complex scenario you can share with me , I will share that on my blog. We need more such stories on Netsuite.


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