Netsuite Tutorials: Every thing you want to know about SuiteCloud Development Framework..

SDF Tutorial
Hi All,

As you all know Netsuite release Development Framework called SuiteCloud Development Framework (in short SDF). In this post we will cover everything about SDF and SDF Objects. If you have any question please write in comment section here or comment on our FB page .

What is SDF?

 SDF is a development framework using which you can customize you Netsuite Account from you local computer using IDE.
There are 2 IDE where Netsuite released their package
1. Eclipse   Link Here
 2. Webstorm.   Link Here

Using these 2 IDEs, you can customize you Netsuite Account from your local computer in a click.
SDF actually comtains a XML file format of Netsuite objects. You can import Objects from Netsuite to local host and also upload to either Same account(in case of update) or deploy to another Account.

SDF can be used to create SDF Projects ,which is also called Customization. These File based projects used XML definition of custom objects like Custom Records, Custom Forms, Suite Scripts and Workflows.
Use SDF to deploy SDF Projects to any Netsuite Account.

You can use Command Line Interface tool to deploy SDF Projects. You can create batch and shell script that use CLI commands to automate SDF project validation and deployment processes.


As SDF use XML Definitions, it is very easy to maintain versions, Build, Validate, deploy to production without trying it in account.Another option is to create, update/modify custom objects from UI and import
using IDE.
By decoupling the development process from your NetSuite accounts, SDF improves code portability and provides a streamlined deployment process across various NetSuite account types.

SDF have functionality to validate Netsuite Account Objects without deploying to Account. It provides Log and Audit trails in IDE which include detailed information.

Versioning and Revision Control
  Using SDF you can manage custom objects as XML files and code outside Netsuite, thats why it is very easy to manage and maintain version using your own Version control system. Files can be zipped and saved with proper version. File can be controlled using Git Hub also.

Supported Customizations: 

Lists, Records, & Fields
    Record type
    Custom segment
    Transaction type
    Entity field
    Item field
    CRM field
    Transaction body field
    Transaction line field (formerly transaction column field)
    Transaction Item option
    Item number field
    Other record field (formerly other custom field)
    Entry form
    Transaction form
        Bill Payments
        Cash Returns (Cash Refunds)
        Cash Sales
        Customer Payments
        Invoices (Sales Order Invoice)
        Journal Entries
        Online Payments (Payment External)
        Purchase Orders
        Sales Orders

    Saved CSV import
Published Dashboards & Portlets
    Published Dashboard
        Calendar Portlet
        Custom Portlet
        Custom Search Portlet
        Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Portlet
        KPI Meter Portlet
        List Portlet
        Quick Search Portlet
        Search Form Portlet
        Trend Graph Portlet

    Script – Bundle installation
    Script – Client
    Script – Map/Reduce
    Script – Mass update
    Script – Portlet
    Script – RESTlet
    Script – Scheduled
    Script – Suitelet
    Script – User event
    Script – Workflow action script
    Script – SDF Installation script
    SSP Application
    Plug-in – Custom GL Lines
    Plug-in – Email Capture
    Plug-in – Promotions
    Plug-in – Custom Plug-in Type
    Plug-in – Custom Plug-in Implementation
Centers and Tabs
    Center category
    Center tab
    KPI Scorecard
    Email template
    Advanced HTML/PDF template
SuiteCommerce Web Site Management
    CMS Content Type (also known as Custom Content Type)

Steps By Step Process:

Step 1: Set up Netsuite Account Environment
        a) Enable SDF and feature dependencies
        b) Assign a customized developer role for SDF purpose.
Step 2: Set up IDE (Eclipse or Webstorm)
Step 3: Create Account Customization Project.
Step 4:
        a) if Deploying from one environment to another :
           i) Import objects from source account.
          ii) Import all files from source account. (files should be downloaded first in case of scripts)
          iii) Update dependencies in IDE
        b) In case of create script directly using SDF objects ( Careful while creating records/scripts directly in IDE using SDF)
         i) Create Custom Record
        ii) Create custom fields
        iii) Create script and deployments
Step 5: Validate with final/destination account
Step 6: Deploy to final/destination account

Step by Step visuals coming soon...

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  1. Very informative tutorial. NetSuite is used as the cloud computing system.

    Oracle NetSuite Philippines


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