Custom GL Lines Plug-in workflow step by step
The plug-in implementation executes according to the following process:
Step 1: User saves a transaction for the entity belonging to a subsidiary.
Using the plug-in implementation configuration, any configured transaction
type with an entity associated with a configured subsidiary triggers the
plug-in implementation execution on the transaction.
The plug-in can run either during transaction save or asynchronously, depending
on the Asynchronous box on the plug-in configuration page
The subsidiary is the main subsidiary for the transaction, or the subsidiary to which
the transaction belongs.
Netsuite first creates the standard lines for the primary book.
Step 2: Plug-in implementation executes on the primary accounting book.
NetSuite executes the customizeGlImpact(transactionRecord, standardLines,
customLines, book) function with the primary book AccountingBook object.
NetSuite creates any custom lines in the primary book configured for the plug-in
implementation. If you do not use the Multi-Book Accounting feature, the plug-in
implementation process completes. Otherwise, NetSuite continues with the mapping
of standard and custom lines to the secondary books.
Step 3: Netsuite determines which lines should be applied to any secondary books. By default,
Netsuite maps standard lines to the appropriate secondary accounting books, according
to any mapping rules set up for the Multi-Book Accounting feature. NetSuite performs the
same mapping for all custom lines with the setBookSpecific(bookSpecific) method set to false.
Step 4: Netsuite creates standard lines. Netsuite creates any of the appropriate mapped standard lines
and any custom lines that are not specific to the primary book in the secondary accounting books.
Step 5: Plug-in implementation executes on the secondary accounting books configured for the plug-in
Netsuite executes the customizeGlImpact(transactionRecord,standardLines,customLines, book)
function for each secondary book AccountingBook object for the transaction.
NetSuite creates the custom lines on the secondary accounting book.
Step 6: Transaction save completes. You can view the general ledger impact of the transaction by
selecting Actions > GL Impact. If an asynchronous implementation is used and the plug-in is still
pending, an information message appears on the GL Impact page.
Custom GL Lines from asynchronous plug-ins are shown after the plug-in is executed.
When costing updates are performed (for example, the COGS update), the plug-in might run
asynchronously, and the values on the GL Impact page might change after the update is completed
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