customizeGlImpact Function in Detail:

Dear Reader,

This post is all about method used in CustomizeGlImpact function
You can use these methods to customize function as per you need. You can add additional logic 
inside function.

Function Declaration: void customizeGlImpact(Record transactionRecord, StandardLines 
                 standardLines, CustomLines customLines, AccountingBook book)

Type: Interface function
Return: void
Parameters: Standard Lines , custom Lines, Accounting book, record 

Parameters in Detail:

Standard Lines: Contains an array of all standard lines with GL impact in a transaction as StandardLine 
                            objects. Standard lines are the general ledger impacts that appear on the GL Impact 
                            report for a transaction.

function customizeGlImpact(transactionRecord, standardLines, customLines, book)
      for (var i = 0; i < standardLines.getCount(); i++) 
         var currLine = standardLines.getLine(i);
         //add your logic here.
 Custom Lines: Contains an array of all custom lines with GL impact in a transaction as CustomLine
                          objects. Use this object to add and modify custom lines with GL impact on a transaction. 
                          Create a new CustomLine object with addNewLine().
function customizeGlImpact(transactionRecord, standardLines, customLines, book)
      var newLine = customLines.addNewLine();
      newLine.setMemo("set Your message");
      var newLine = customLines.addNewLine();
      newLine.setMemo("set your message");
getCount() and getLine(): 
function customizeGlImpact(transactionRecord, standardLines, customLines, book)
      for (var i = 0; i < customLines.getCount(); i++) 
         // get the line
         var currLine = customLines.getLine(i);
 Accounting Book: Represents the accounting book passed to a Custom GL Lines plug-in implementation when you save a transaction.
Accounting book has 2 methods: 
    1.  getId()
    2.  isPrimary()
function customizeGlImpact(tRecord, sLines, cLines, mBook)
      var pBook= mBook.getId();
      if (!mBook.isPrimary())
         var abRec= nlapiLoadRecord('accountingbook',pBook);
Record: This parameter represent transaction record passed in function.
Contains method:
 getAllFields(): Returns a normal keyed array of all the fields on a record. 
 getAllLineItemFields(group): Returns an array of all the field names of a 
                              sublist on the record.
 getFieldText(name) : Returns the UI display value for a select field. 
 getFieldTexts(name) : Returns the UI display values for a multi-select field.
 getFieldValue(name) : Returns the value (internal ID) of a field.
 getFieldValues(name): Returns the value (field ID) or 
                       values (array of field IDs) of a multi-select field.
 getId(): Use this method to get the internal ID of a record when editing an
 existing transaction.

getLineItemCount(group): Returns the number of lines on a sublist.

getLineItemText(group, fldnam, linenum): Returns the display name of a select field (based on its 
                                                                    current selection) in a sublist. 

 getLineItemValue(group, name, linenum):  Returns the value of a sublist line item field.

getLineItemValues(type, fldnam, linenum): Returns the values of a multiselect sublist field 
                                                                     on a selected line.

getRecordType(): Returns the record type. For example, returns  SalesOrd  for the Sales Order 
                                                                  record type.

viewLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname, linenum):  Returns a nlobjSubrecord object. Use this API to 
                                                                                   view a subrecord from a sublist  field on the parent 

viewSubrecord(fldname): Returns a nlobjSubrecord object.

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